
Education Support Provided for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Student(s)

School Support Summary


課程策略 Curriculum strategies

(1)  抽離式小班教學
(2) 分層學習材料
(3) 課後學習支援
(4) 多元的考試選擇
(5) 多元文化共融活動
In order to enhance the effectiveness of Chinese learning, we propose five curriculum strategies, including
(1) pull-out small class teaching,
(2) hierarchical learning materials,
(3) afterschool remedial classes
(4) multiple examination options and
(5) multicultural activities to help our NCS students integrate into the ca
mpus life and society.


分層學習材料 Tiered assignments

Our teaching materials are tailor-made to cater for the diverse learning needs of our NCS students. Our Chinese teaching panel will review the learning progress and adjust and fine tune the teaching materials accordingly. Meanwhile, we are also keen to enhance students’ understanding of Chinese culture and the society of Hong Kong as this would be of assistance for students to incorporate into the society and campus life.



課後學習支援 Afterschool remedial classes

本校定期會為非華語同學提供課後補課,配合調適課程,加以輔導,或加強培訓學生應考公開試 IGCSE/GCSE/GCE的中文能力。
Regular afterschool remedial classes for NCS students are offered to reinforce learning of Chinese language. At the same time, we provide intensive training and exams preparation courses for NCS students who sit for IGCSE/GCSE/GCE.

地址︰新界元朗屏山青山道201號 電話︰2443 1363傳真︰2443 9772
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